Thursday, December 30, 2010


I went to the dentist today...I hate the dentist. When I was a kid I loved the dentist. They let me pick some yummy flavored tooth paste, they would explain everything they were doing while they did it, and in the end I got a cool prize, sticker, and a nice new tooth brush. Not to mention all the cool toys in the lobby. It was fabulous! Now, they don't care what my name is, they just want my money. They yank and jab at my teeth and scratch and slice at my gums...its pretty terrible. Let me be more specific. I went in for a cleaning and during the process the dentist took her hand out of my mouth and her fingers were bloody. Bloody!!! A cleaning!!! Yeah, pretty bad.

Today I got a cavity filled...I had to try not to cry in the chair because they are just way to rough with my little mouth. My mouth was numb for a long time! I walked around the mall after and couldn't smile at anyone who smiled at me. Then when people tried to help me I would mumble a response. haha. That part was funny.

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