Monday, July 8, 2013

Week 25

The Date: July 3rd-9th, 2013

Only 100 more days until his Due Date!!!! 
How far along? Second Trimester: 25 Weeks

25 Week profile. His face is starting to fill out and he has a neck now! 

Total weight gain/loss: 12 Pounds up! :0

Baby Size: Baby is the size of a large bundle of cauliflower. He is about 13-15 inches long now and weighs somewhere between 1.5-2.2 pounds! He is getting big!

Things I learned about Baby:  Baby boy is starting to grow his finger and toe nails! His nervous system is developing this week and he is gaining a sense of equilibrium: which way is up and which is down. He is also gaining more fat and hair!

Maternity clothes: 
I'm still not wearing a lot of maternity clothing but I should probably buy a few more things soon. It's just not that much fun to shop for. Can you believe there is something that I don't think is fun to shop for!?

Changes I've noticed: Belly is bigger! I catch my reflection in the mirror and I'm not sure who I'm looking at. I'm also starting to lose my breath easier when I walk places or exercise. I also feel hot almost all the time. Yes, I know it's summer. Yes, I know my A/C is broken in my house. For some reason I feel much hotter than I would have if this was all going on and I wasn't pregnant.

Sleep: I need a lot of sleep but I'm starting to get up once or twice during the night. It's also hard to sleep when you are HOT. Also, it's starting to be hard to find a position to sleep in that baby boy will allow me to stay in.

Best Moment this week: Spending an awesome weekend with Landon. It rained all weekend and we stayed in the house and enjoyed each others company. We missed each other last week so it was fun to spend time together not doing anything.

I made Landon some Birthday Cupcakes. White chic. cream cheese frosting! His favorite! 
Also, I had an other ultrasound this week and got to see the little guy again! We got another shot of his profile and it's so stinking cute! You can see how he was filled out in the last 8 weeks.

Miss anything: Plopping on my bed on my stomach! haha I miss lying on my stomach.

Crave anything: No, but I went to the doctor and they told me I needed to drink more milk! Funny, that is what I had been wanting to drink! I guess it was a craving. :)

Movement: Baby Thumper is keeping his nick name! When I got home Landon hadn't seen my in almost two weeks. He noticed a change in my belly size and how it felt. He could feel that baby move very clearly! We even looked at my stomach and could see it move when he kicked. We had fun with that for a good hour or so. :)

The cute little leg/foot of Baby Thumper! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: If I get to hot I don't feel good.

Showing: For sure!

Labor Signs: Nope. No more Braxton Hicks either.

Belly Button: Still in! Phew! Hold on as long as possible little belly button!

Wedding Rings: Still wearing them! They are still fitting comfortably.

Moods: Feel great! Happy, excited, energetic. :)

Dreams: I'm terrible with this question...I can never remember them after I've been awake for an hour or so.

Baby Preparations: Make my baby registry at Buy Buy Baby for my Alabama showers coming up. I also got to shop at Baby Gap with my mom and Paige! We had way way to much fun in there! I think I'm obsessed with Baby Gap. I also went to T.J. Max today and found some cute expensive baby clothes for cheap prices. I got $90 of Baby Puma wear for $20. Landon was so excited about it! We are going to dress our little guy in the Puma clothes when we got to the tennis courts. I also got two cute little Ralph Lauren Polo one piece outfits.  Cute stuff for a great price!

Dressed like his Dad! 

I am looking forward to... getting the baby room together, up coming showers, weddings, and events going on this summer. Also looking forward to picking out a name for our little guy...but that might be his birthday gift. haha

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