Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week 26

The Date: July 10-16, 2013

How far along? 26 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 13 pounds gained

Baby Size: Baby is the size of a head of lettuce. He is somewhere between 1.5-2.2 pounds, and is about 14 inches long. (I personally feel like this little guy is bigger than this already.  :)

Things I learned about Baby:  He is practicing breathing this week by inhaling small amounts of amniotic fluids. The nerves in his ears are developing more and more so he can he now not only hear my voice the voices of people around me. So cool! "Hi Baby! How's it going in there?"

Maternity clothes: 
Seriously...I need to go invest is some more clothes. I don't know what it is that I have against maternity clothes. haha

Changes I've noticed: My feet are swelling at the end of every day now! Also, I'm sweating a lot more now. They heat of the summer is getting to me and if I'm outside in the heat too long I will get dizzy and nauseous. Lovely, right?

Sleep: Sleep isn't so bad these days...except that Little Baby Thumper startles me and wakes me up with his massive kicks! He is so still when I'm driving, moving, cleaning, etc., but as soon as I sit or lay to rest he is on the go. I think we might be getting a glimpse at his little personality.

Our new crib! 
Best Moment this week: Spending time with Landon. Working on baby preparations. Attending a friends baby shower at church, getting a glider from my sweet friend Leigh Ann Fleagle, and purchasing a crib and bringing it home!

Miss anything: Sleeping in any position that I want to! I can't wait to lay on my back again, or sleep on my stomach! That will be amazing. :)

Crave anything: Nope, nothing. I thought I'de be going crazy with foods like I always hear about pregnant woman doing, but nothing has hit me yet.

Movement: Does he ever stop moving is now the better question.  At my tired moments the movement can be a little annoying but in reality I don't want it to stop! It lets me know he is doing okay in there. I think if there is a day where he doesn't move much I may start to get worried. On Sunday he was kicking so much you could see my stomach moving under my dress. Like a cartoon with a mouse under the rug! Landon and I almost died laughing in Church service.

Anything making you queasy or sick: The only thing that makes me sick is the heat, and these Alabama summers can be brutal!

Showing: Oh, there is no doubt that I'm showing. I feel like I'm showing more than the norm for 26 weeks. He is so high up! He comes up to my bra line! Not sure if that's because I'm short or if I'm just carrying really high.

Labor Signs: No braxton hicks this week! It's been a real easy going and restful week so I think that helps a lot.

Belly Button: The belly button is stretching out but it is still hangin' IN there. ;)

Wedding Rings: Getting tighter!

Moods: Feeling great! Happy and excited!

Dreams: Yes, yes, yes, crazy dreams, but I still can't remember them. (Next pregnancy I'm deleting this question.)

Baby Preparations: This week I bought a crib!!!! Well, my mom bought it for me but I picked it out, purchased it, and brought it home! So exciting! It was on sale at Pottery Barn Kids and it is the perfect crib for our to get started on the nursery. We finally nailed down our colors. Grey walls, white furniture and frames, and blue linens and details. I got grey and white chevron fabric to cover the glider, and baby blue fabric to cover the little wooden table to go beside the glider. I also have been working on some crochet projects. I started and finished a little crochet lamb rattle. I crocheted it and filled it with stuffing and jingle bells. While it didn't turn out as cute as the picture, I still think it is pretty adorable. I also started a grey, white, and blue chevron afghan. I'm doing about one stripe a day so I should be finished in about two or three weeks. So far it looks pretty cute!  :)  Next week we plan to pain and put the crib together. :)

Lamb Baby Rattle I made this week

I am looking forward to... Setting up the nursery! We have so much work ahead of us but it is really exciting to get it all started.

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