Friday, August 9, 2013

Week 29

The Date: July 31st-August 6th, 2013

How far along? 29 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 15 pounds!

Baby Size: Baby is 15-16 inches long and weighs 2.5-3.5 pounds. He is about the size of an Acorn Squash. haha

Things I learned about Baby:  Baby boy can now regulate his own body temperature! How cool is that! His bone marrow is now in charge of producing red blood cells for his little body. He can urinate half a liter a day now. The lanugo on his skin is shedding while the hair on his head is starting to grow in thicker! (If he will have hair. :)

Maternity clothes: I went to destination maternity and bought a dress to wear for special occasions. It is a simple silky grey wrap dress. It's not my favorite, but it does fit! Probably a little to big but I'm sure I'll be filling it out by the time Whitney's wedding rolls around. :)

Changes I've noticed: Things are becoming a LOT harder! Picking things up on off of the ground isn't easy anymore. Getting up off the couch after lounging isn't easy anymore! I looked at Landon yesterday and said, "This pregnancy just got real!" The ease of the second trimester is over and joys of the third trimester have begun! I'm glad the baby room is painted because getting up and down is no easy task! The reality: I still have a lot more growing to do! This big belly hasn't peeked yet!

Sleep: I used to sleep for 9 hours without waking up before I was pregnant. I can hardly remember those days now...

Best Moment this week: Prepared Childbirth class with Landon! We went on Saturday and had our class on pregnancy, childbirth, and basic baby care. We thought we were going for a short 3 hour class. We were so wrong! The class was from 9:00-4:00!  I knew probably 70% of the material that was covered but it was nice to be able to fill in all of these gaps. It was great to get to go with Landon. He didn't know most of what was talked about and it made him feel a lot more confident. We BOTH feel a lot more confident now. At the end of the day we went to the hospital for a tour. It helped us know exactly where to go when I go into Labor and what to expect once I'm there. We feel ready to have this baby now! Only, Baby, don't come out yet, YOU are not ready to be in the world yet. :)

Miss anything: Good sleep, normal clothes, easy movements. haha

Crave anything: No, but sugar tastes really really good all of the sudden. haha

Movement: Baby Thumper is still a thumpin'!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Heat! It is way way way to hot here in Alabama. I've never said this before but I will be so thankful for the summer to end.

Showing: Most Definitely!

Labor Signs: More braxton hicks this week. My whole stomach gets hard and uncomfortable. I don't like them! But I know it's my bodies way of practicing for real labor....what must real labor be like???

Belly Button: Still in! Hopefully it will stay that way for as long as possible. :)

Wedding Rings: Still fit! :)

Moods: Okay, I think the real hormones of pregnancy have kicked in this week. The smallest thing Landon says makes me laugh so hard...and then it can instantly turn into tears. I just tell myself, "You aren't really sad, this is just hormones!" and then I can usually fight back the tears. It's so strange to not feel in control over those emotions. Most of the time I'd say my hormones are making me super happy and excited and I'm totally a great audience to have around right now. :)

Baby Preparations: I finished the baby afghan and I finished painting and recovering the glider! I'm so excited about them both! I think they turned out really great! They both took me about 3 weeks to complete working on them off and on. I'm excited! :)

Finished chevron Baby blanket! 

Closer Look 

Project time! 

Finished the glider! Freshly painted and freshly covered cushions :)
I am looking forward to... Looking forward to spending each day with Landon. Looking forward to setting up the crib, no...we haven't done that yet.

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