Friday, August 9, 2013

Week 28

The Date: July 24th-30th, 2013

How far along? 28 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 14 Pounds!

Baby Size: Baby is about 14 inches and about 2 pounds. He is the size of an eggplant. (I'm losing faith in this fruit comparison)

Things I learned about Baby:  Baby is still gaining more fat and his skin is getting less wrinkly! If he was born now he might be able to breathe on his own! (Don't get too excited! Stay in there little guy!) His eyes can now open and close and can track light. I learned that sight isn't fully developed until weeks after birth!

Maternity clothes: 
Hate Maternity clothes! haha My MIL gave me two maternity tank tops that are comfortable. I've been wearing those around the house. I went shopping for some more maternity clothes and came back with nothing. I'll try again in a week or so.

Changes I've noticed: My hips hurt at night when I sleep! But! Landon and I bought each other a new mattress for our anniversary! We got a memory foam mattress so I'm hoping that will help! :) I've also noticed that my baby boy is a hyper squirmy little guy! I can't wait to see those little kicking legs in person!

Sleep: I can't wait to sleep on my new comfy mattress! Coming soon!

Best Moment this week: Well, this week has had many ups and downs. Sad: In Laws are moving away in a week. A sudden surprise to us all. Also, Landon tore his ACL and we are faced with decisions on surgery and when the best time for that would be.

Happy news! We are getting a new mattress! Landon and I had an awesome anniversary together and we are enjoying spending lots of time together this summer. We painted the nursery and it looks great! We tested 5 paint samples and finally decided on a light grey color that almost has a bluish tint to it. It's going to look great with all the white furniture. I've also been keeping up on lots of crafty things while I'm home all day.

Paint Samples! Guess which one we picked. 
Miss anything: Regular clothes

Crave anything: Not anything specific but my appetite is definitely back!

Movement: Yes! He moves so much when I'm still. At night, in bed, Landon can feel the bed moves when he is kicking like crazy. It makes me wonder if he is just active or if he is uncomfortable with the way I'm laying...I don't know.

Anything making you queasy or sick: The Heat!!! That's all.

Showing: OH YES!

Labor Signs: Less braxton Hicks this week.

Belly Button: Hangin' In there!

Wedding Rings: wearing them still!

Moods: Mood is happy! I do laugh a lot easier these days! Either Landon got funnier or it's my hormones. No tears though.

Baby Preparations: Besides painting the baby room and the dresser I did a few other little crafts this week. I crocheted the baby hat and it turned out really cute! I went to Janie and Jack's baby store and they had the cutest stuff! I saw a little onesie like this one with a cute blue whale for $36! Of course I didn't buy it! I went home and made my own! I want to make a few more of these in the future. I think they turned out really really cute. :)

Crafty Projects! :) 

I am looking forward to... prepared childbirth class next week with Landon. :)

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