Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Week 30

The Date: August 7-13, 2013

How far along? 30 Weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: 17 pounds

Baby Size: Baby is the size of a cucumber...well, at least the length of a cucumber. :) Little boy is 15-16 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds.

Things I learned about Baby:  Baby boys brain is now fully developed! It contains speech and language centers in the process of development. Complex neurological connections and learning will continue long after birth.

Maternity clothes: 
 Bleh! Hate them! haha Wore two maternity tops this week...they actually fit me. I'm still wearing lots of none maternity clothes that fit me too.

Changes I've noticed: My nose gets stuffed up only when I lay down to sleep, which makes for some occasional pregnancy snoring. Sorry Landon! Also, I started eating less this week. I look at food and feel like I want to eat more but then I can't fit it into my stomach. Baby is taking up all the room! :) Also, I'm starting to sweat very easily. I got hot just sitting in Sunday school the other day! Landon said he didn't think it felt hot in the room...just pregnant me!

Sleep: Sleep pretty much stinks! But I don't walk around tired all the time. I'm getting less sleep than when I was teaching and I feel totally fine. Maybe I won't need as much sleep anymore??? Or maybe It's just a weird pregnancy thing and I'll go back to needed/wanting 9 hours a night. We shall see!

Best Moment this week: Spending time with Landon. Going out on date night Friday night. We went to a little Italian place and ordered a huge stuffed pizza. We sat and talked for an hour after we finished eating and just enjoyed our time out together. I also enjoyed my time at the pool with school friends catching up with them. I don't see them much anymore since I'm staying home this year so it's nice to hear about everything going on at ECCS.

Miss anything: Diet Coke. I was limiting myself to an occasional caffein free diet coke here and there, but I noticed that I was getting braxton hicks on days that I would drink it and not getting them on days that I only drank milk and water. So, I think I'm going to go cold turkey and nix the Diet Coke...for a while. Positives: no braxton hicks! Saving money! Maybe I should never pick up the habit again...

Crave anything: No pregnancy cravings...just want a Diet Coke.

Movement: YES!!!! He moves like crazy! I was getting worried that he was moving so much because he was uncomfortable or I was hurting him the way I was sitting or laying. I asked my nurse if there was such a thing as "too much movement" and she laughed and said no. I learned that the reason he moves more when I lay down is that he has more room to stretch out and move. So he is actually enjoying it. And here I was all worried that the crazy amounts of kicking meant he was in distress or something! I'm sure this won't be the first time I'm nervous about something that is really nothing. I'm glad I asked the nurse! :)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. Just when I get too hot!

Showing: Oh boy! yes!

Labor Signs: Well, is it a sign of labor that baby boy is head down now? He is getting ready to come see me!

Belly Button: I'm glad that the belly button is still in! I don't want to spend the next two months embarrassed that it is sticking out! haha I'm hoping it won't ever stick out or it won't stick out for long.

Wedding Rings: I only take them off to sleep in. If I wear them to bed my hands seem to swell up. During the day they seem to be fine.

Moods: I think my mood this week has been pretty even. No crying or uncontrollable laughing. I've felt normal this week.

Baby Preparations: Just lots of praying, crocheting, painting, and planning. We still don't have a name for our little guy yet! I wan't to know it! We have three first names picked out, and we are still looking for middle names that go well with them. I know, I know! We only need one name but we like them all and can't decide!
Little Bear hat I made for Baby Boy this week

I made this one for a friend! Looks like a little mouse! 
Little photo prop for Baby boy 
Can you Tell these are little elephants? I might add these to the baby hats! 
Prayer Requests: This week I've been praying a lot for Landon. He tore his ACL and will need surgery soon. He wants to get it before the baby comes so he can be ready to be Dad right away. We aren't sure about the timing so we are just praying for wisdom and continued healing. Also, praying for baby boys continued growth and development. Praying specifically this week that baby boy won't have food allergies like me. Praying that I will continue to stay healthy and feel good.

I am looking forward to...Setting up the crib next week. Organizing baby's clothes and things!


  1. Sorry to hear about Landho :( Will be prayin!

    1. Thanks Carly! We really appreciate the prayers. :)
