School is now in session!
After a loooong time of talking about teaching, and going to school to be a teacher, lesson planning, reading, etc,....school has finally started. The first week went by so quickly, and seemed to go really well.
Here is what a typical day looks like:
8:30-9:00am: Unpack, devotion, prayer requests and prayer, vocabulary lesson and definitions.
10:00-10:45-Chemistry and labs
10:45-11:00-Tea and snack break
11:00-12:30-Literature, writing, and discussion
1:00-3:00-Finish up literature, History, journal.
*Friday from 2:30-3:00--Speech class.
:) I have two enthusiastic students, which is fun. :)
I love not starting school until 8:30!!! It's pretty amazing actually.
I love elementary school but I'm really enjoying the discussions that come from having older students. We are reading Pilgrims Progress right now, and there is so much to discuss...we get pretty deep. :)
I also love only having two students. It's more personally, and we get SOOO much done.
i'm so glad u are liking the older grades I know that was an worry