Friday, January 2, 2009

December News Letter

Craciun Fericit si La Mult Ani! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Romania!

Hello Family and Friends!

First off, I want to thank each of you for all of the encouraging e-mails, cards, and packages that were sent to us this Christmas season. It really helped to lift my spirits and remind me of all the prayers that are being lifted up for me, the team, and the ministry here in Romania. I was not quite sure what to expect this Christmas, since I would be away from my home, my family, my friends, and all of the traditions that I have become accustom to. I wrongly attempted to convince myself that it wasn't even Christmas; I would just pick-up with it again next year. I was later reminded that my Savior left a place where he had every right to be to come and live in a world that was not his home. He did this for me—this is Christmas. Yes, this year was definitely different, but I feel that it was a privilege to spend my Christmas in Romania. Of course, there were still a few moments that were difficult, but they were fleeting. In a small way, I feel I understand more fully the sacrifice that Christ made on my behalf, making Christmas even sweeter and a time of thanksgiving. Thank you for your help in making this Christmas special.

December News:

  • December 12: Last day of School. We had a Kingstone Christmas party with food, presents, and music. Abigail and Daniel (my students) read aloud the short stories they had written about Christmas—I was so proud. J In the end we had fun making a gingerbread house
  • December 19: Indoor Water Park trip with the Hartman family. It was a little taste of home. J
  • December 20: Carly and I ventured on our own into the city for a Romanian concert.
  • December 21: Our Sunday night Bible study had a Christmas study/party at the Hartman's house. We sang and read scripture in Romanian. We were blessed with the company of close to 60 people, half of which are not believers, and the gospel was shared.
  • December 22: We went ice skating outside to celebrate Aaron Ebbers' 10th birthday.
  • December 24: Christmas Eve was spent at the Ebbers' singing hymns, reading scripture, and fellowshipping with the team.
  • December 25: CHRISTMAS! I spent the morning talking to my family, and opening up gifts with Carly. Then we went to the Hartman's house for Christmas brunch, followed by a team Ultimate Frisbee game (my team lost). We finished up the day with a big Christmas dinner and a movie.
  • December 26: I learned how to snowboard! Well…it is still a work in progress. J
  • December 27: I experience my first winter mountain hike. It was a 6 hour hike, with snow ranging from my knees to my ribs, in temperatures from 10-2*F. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but I'm so glad I did it. The scenery was beautiful. (This Florida girl had a real taste of winter).
  • December 31: Spent the first part of the evening playing with the Ebbers children, then we went to the center of Brasov for the countdown to 2009. From the cab ride, to the celebration, it was definitely a cultural experience.

For more about what I am doing my online blog is:

Prayer Requests:

  • Diligence in language study.
  • School preparation for the spring semester.
  • That as I get used to the absence of a Church family, weekly Bible studies, RUF, etc., I will be diligent in reading and meditation on the Word of God. That it won't be a dry time, but a real time of growth.

Again, thank you for your prayers and encouragement. It is such a blessing to know I have a strong support team back at home. J

In Christ Alone,

Rebekah Mack

Mission to the World-Romania

Skype: Mackattack0927

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. Acts 20:24

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