Monday, January 16, 2012

ACCS Accreditation

Well, two years ago Evangel Classical Christian School became accredited by the Association of Classical and Christian Schools.

Now that our school is accredited we all are to work towards our teacher certification. We have all been certified as teachers...don't worry--but we all must become accredited with this association.

The process is a long...pretty much like going back to school. I've wrongly had such a bad attitude about it. I already feel pulled from my family life to spend hours and hours working on school work and now one more large task added to my load! How can completion be possible? How can I have a social life...or even begin to have a social life?

I spent some time in prayer today asking God to change my heart and attitude. God reminded me of the joy of my salvation (Ps. 51) and reminded me of how much I love to share his word each day with my students. The only way for me to continue shepherding and teaching children would be to finish this certification.

Later that afternoon Mrs. Bell (Upper School Principal) reminded me that the books and papers are not to be looked at as a task, but the goal is to glean something from each item.

I know that this will be a challenge. I might not write the best papers but I will learn something from each one. God will sanctify me through this process by proving again that He is faithful. He will not give me anything beyond what I can handle. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

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