Friday, January 4, 2013

Second Christmas

This was Landon's and my second Christmas together. It was the best Christmas yet! We went to Florida for 10 days and had a great time. Landon and I gave each other iPhones for Christmas. We are having so much fun with them. Landon thinks the iPhone will change my life but I said I refuse to let it change my life! This picture is of Landon and I on Christmas Eve in front of the Mack family Christmas tree.

We also celebrated New Year's eve in Florida at the Weninger's house it was a lot of fun.

The weather was beautiful in Florida! The coldest it ever got was 62°! We played tennis, threw the frisbee a lot and went to the beach a few times. We also went to the theater a few times and saw Les Miserables and The Hobbit.

I got to spend time with Tara and see her little baby Juliana. I also spent time with Katie and met her baby for the first time. Jordyn is so little and cute!

Landon got this little piggy toy in his stocking that we had a lot of fun playing with after Christmas. It is a little pig that when you squeeze his stomach little green balls fly out of its nose and shoot like a gun! It's really funny!

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