Sunday, March 31, 2013

Week 11

The Date: March 31, 2013, Easter Sunday
How far along? Eleven weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I've gained a pound this week now that my appetite is back. So I'm down to 4 pounds under my starting weight. 
Maternity clothes: None yet. I should start shopping soon.
Changes I’ve noticed: I thought I was starting to show a little this week but the doctor said it is hormonal fluffy, swelling intestines.  I've also started feeling a lot better this week. I did throw up a few times but I felt great after I did. haha
Sleep: Sleep is starting to get easier. I've been sleeping most of the night and only needing to get up once.
Best moment this week: Having my friends and family come visit for Easter. Also, it was really exciting to hear the heart beat. The heart was beating 173 bpm. i thought that meant the baby might be a girl but they said that 173 was normal for an 11 week old baby.
Miss anything: Diet Coke.
Crave anything: None
Movement: Feeling nothing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: cleaning supplies and soda.
Have you started to show yet: No. My waist line is disappearing but I haven't gained weight or am really sticking out yet.
Gender prediction:  Totally feeling girl this week. Over Easter weekend we voted and there are 3 people who think it's a boy.
Labor Signs: none!
Belly Button: Same place! :)
Wedding rings: Still wearing them and still loose.
Mood: Tired, happy, occasional irritation, peaceful
Dreams:I've had crazy dreams this week but I don't remember them right now.
Baby preparations: All of us girls did lots of discussing about baby names. We decided to name the baby Kiwi McKee. haha
Looking forward to…The next eight weeks of school,..and my last eight weeks.

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