Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Week 27

The Date: July 17-23, 2013

How far along? Third Trimester, 27 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 13-14 pounds

Baby Size: Baby is the size of the rutabaga. Baby is about 14 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds.

Things I learned about Baby:  Baby boy can now open his eyes! He can recognize light from inside the womb. He is developing muscle and fat this week. The lungs are ready or almost ready to breathe on their own. He has a 95% survival rate now! (phew! That makes me so relieved and so happy!)

Maternity clothes: 
I went shopping once this week at Target to get some maternity clothes...nothing fit right. I ended up buying a maxi dress from the juniors department that had a high waist. Maternity clothes fail! Cute dress from the juniors department-Score! My Mother-in-Law gave me two maternity tank tops that fit really well though. I need to find some more tops to wear so I'm not always wearing the same exact thing. I just don't like spending money on maternity clothes. It bums me out. haha

Changes I've noticed: My feel LOVE to be swollen now. It's not a pretty sight at the end of the day. But I do what I can by elevating them whenever I'm sitting down and I drink TONS of water. I've also notice that it's not just by belly getting's sadly everything. My tush, my legs, calves, ankles, arms, get the picture...everything is getting bigger. Bummer!

Sleep: Sleep is not so bad. My hips have been hurting while I lie in bed. I decided to put a pillow between my legs and that seemed to help. We also just celebrated out 2nd wedding anniversary we are going to buy a new mattress for our big gift! (this may sound boring but we are both super excited to wake up and hopefully not be hurting from our nights "rest") Hopefully the new mattress will help me sleep better. :)

Best Moment this week: Hands down the best moment was celebrating my 2nd wedding anniversary with Landon. We went to dinner at Macaroni Grill (my favorite!), and then we ate chocolates that he bought me from Godiva and walked around in the incredible 75* weather. It's been int he 90's all summer so that was a nice treat. We celebrated with a new olloclip camera lens for the iPhone and we are buying a new mattress this weekend.

Other great moments this week include a trip to Jackson to throw and attend Whitney and Brannan's wedding shower, and a lovely baby shower from my co-workers at ECCS. Lot's of things to celebrate!

Miss anything: sleeping on my back and stomach

Crave anything: No. But I do enjoy sweets again. Maybe this is why my booty is getting bigger...

Movement: Does he ever stop moving? Okay, the only time he is still is when I'm driving in the car or walking and active. If I'm sitting, standing still, resting, sleeping, etc., he is moving! Maybe a clue to his personality?

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the heat still, but I was good about being out of the heat this week.

Showing: Yes, I'm huge now! Strangers are now confident that I am pregnant and ask me when I'm due or if I know the gender. Kinda fun. :)

Labor Signs: I am still getting braxton hicks regularly. Usually the days that I'm busy will end in an evening braxton hicks.

Belly Button: Still an's hanging IN there.

Wedding Rings: Still fit! Although, I must admit they are getting sure if they will last the entire 40 weeks.

Moods: Feeling great! so excited for all that is to come!

Dreams: I had a dream that I had triplets! I think all three of them were boys and I kept losing one! People were trying to help me manage all of them but then someone would walk away with one and I would freak out.

Baby Preparations: Bought 5 paint samples this week. We will paint soon. I also started a baby afghan. I'm about 1/3 of the way through but I need some more white yarn before I can continue.

Just the beginning...

I am looking forward to... Painting and setting up the nursery.

Please pray for Landon as he has injured his knee pretty severely. We don't know the exact diagnosis yet, but we are praying he won't need to have knee surgery. Knee surgery would be a 9-12 month recovery.

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