Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My latest Update in Romania

Dear Friends and Family,
I hope this letter finds you and your family well. This update is long overdue, sorry. :)

I have now been living in Romania for four months! Can you believe it? Things have settled down a bit as I've come to know the city, the people, and my schedule. I would not say that my life is routine and normal, but I think the daily adventures and surprises are now just...expected. :) Needless to say, I'm still learning so much.

Here is a little bit of what I've been up to.
Kingstone Adademy: We have been busy since we came back from Christmas break. In the last 7 weeks of school we have read Gulliver's Travels, Les Miserables, and America's Foundational Documents. I greatly enjoyed teaching Les Miserables. It led to many in depth discussions on redemption, mercy and justice, and selfless love. My favorite book quickly became one of Abi and Daniel's as well. We've also made large strides in chemistry and geometry, studied all the countries of Africa, written many short papers on the French Revolution and the American Revolution, given our first demonstration speeches, and memorized Psalm 19, Philippians 4, and the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. We are always busy and hard at work, but we are always having a great time.

Travel: Carly and I traveled to Budapest, Hungary with Elena, our Romanian friend and Language Tudor. Our U.S. Passports work as tourist visas for 90 days at a time. At 90 days we have to leave the country and re enter with a new stamp. Our "business" trip turned into a good time of fellowship and sight seeing. (I've included a picture of our trip).

Other Ministry: I've been able to invest more of my time in the missionary kids on the team. Carly and I stayed with Abi and Daniel Hartman for a week while their parents were in the States, and I have been able to babysit the Ebbers kids a few times recently (picture included of my time babysitting). We've been able to have movie nights, dinners in the city, and this weekend Carly and I are planning a "Girl's Night" for the girls on the team. We plan to do hair, nails, watch movies, cook, etc. :)
My relationships with a few Romania girls have continued to grow over the past few weeks, as we continue to get together weekly. I've also started going to the Romanian Friday Night Kids Club. I cannot yet say more than a few phrases in Romanian, but it is still a lot of fun to play games and interact with the kids.

Up Coming Events: The team is preparing for a short term missions trip in two weeks with a group from Reformed University Fellowship at Ol' Miss University. This group will be partnering with us to begin a University Ministry at the University of Transylvania in Brasov. We are busily preparing for their arrival and excited to begin proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in one of the most spiritually dry places in Romania. Thank you for also partnering with us in prayer. :)

Prayer Requests:
Upcoming Ol' Miss missions trip: Pray that the details will all come together and the gospel with go forth and change lives.
As time goes on, homesickness starts to set in. Pray that I will be able to focus and enjoy my time here as I miss all of you at home.
Kingstone Academy: Pray that God will continue to bless my time as a teacher at Kingstone.
Health: Pray for my health as I continue to frequently experience severe head aches and back pain (possibly sinus or stress).

Thank you all so much for your letters of encouragement, phone calls, and packages. They really brighten my day and are a reminder of the huge prayer team I have at home. They are also a reminder of the importance of the Body of Christ, and reminder of what we want to see the Church in Romanian look like, as the gospel continues to go forth and change lives.

In Christ,

Rebekah Mack--Mission to the World Romania

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. Acts 20:24

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