Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter from Romania! Cristos a inviat! Adevarat a inviat!
Christ has risen! He has risen indeed!
I hope you all had a blessed Sunday yesterday as we celebrated the resurrection of our
Lord and Savior. Although Easter won't be celebrated in Romania until next Sunday, we
celebrated as a team yesterday by worshiping at sunrise on a big hill that over looks the
city, and plan to celebrate again with our Romanian churches and friends next Sunday.
The past month has been pretty eventful, so I wanted to update you all on what we've
been up to, as well as upcoming events. :)
University Ministry
In March we had a group of 14 students and interns from RUF at Ole Miss (Reformed
University Fellowship) come for a week over their spring break and help us start an ESL
(English as a Second Language) ministry at the University of Transylvania in Brasov. We
were greatly blessed that week to have about 150 students show up for English classes.
We met Monday through Thursday for classes, discussion, and cultural exchange. After
the classes, many of us stayed to hang out with the students to talk and build
relationships. On Friday we had a day outside where we roasted marshmallows (a fun
treat that most Romanians have never eaten because marshmallows are not sold in the
stores here), played ultimate frisbee, volleyball, sang songs, played in the snow, and got
to know each other better (pictured below). The goal of ESL is not to invite them to learn
English and then change the topic to the gospel as soon as they walk in the door, leaving
them feeling trapped and tricked. The goal is to build relationships with students teaching
them English to the best of our ability. We continue to invest in their lives and trust the
Lord's leading for the gospel to be
shared with each student and the
Holy Spirit to work in their lives.
The RUF group has left to go back
to Mississippi, but the ministry
continues. Carly, Derek, and I have
classes at the University every
Thursday night. These classes are
scheduled to continue until midsummer.
Thank you so much for
your prayers during this trip and
your continued prayers for the
University ministry, as it has only
just begun.
Kingstone Academy
Kingstone continues on strong as we head into our last six weeks of school. The past
month has been filled with many good discussions about family, community, and pride,
as we read through Pride and Prejudice. We also read Frankenstein leading us to discuss
the importance of relationships, the role of God in a world that is turning to human reason
and science, and human nature; are we born in sin, or born perfect? This past week we
studied the life of Edgar Allen Poe and some of his short stories. I am really enjoying my
time teaching at Kingstone. Pray that we finish up the year well. :)
Next week I will travel with the team to Spain for the MTW area retreat. It will be a week
of worship, seminars, fellowship, and rest. Pray for safety in travel, and for a time of rest
and a chance to get re-energized and refocused.
Pray that God will provide a teacher for the high school for the next school year. If any of
you are interested, send me an e-mail. :)
Pray that we finish up the school year well.
Pray for safety in travel to Spain.
Pray for the continuing University Ministry.
Pray that my desire for Christ will grow deeper and deeper each day, and my desire to
serve Him will continue to increase.
Thank you so much for the continuing prayers,
supports, e-mails, letters, packages. I think of
you all often and remember you in my prayers.
Thank you for your help in furthering the
Kingdom. :)
In Christ,
Rebekah Mack
MTW Romania

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