Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tuesday was election day. The mom of one of my students was talking to her daughters about the reasons they vote the way that they do. The issue of abortion came up and when she explained what abortion was the girls were shocked and appalled (as they should be). Her daughter said to her, "Mom, why would they kill babies? They should just give their baby to Miss Mack, I'm sure she would want it."

Is that not the cutest thing you've ever heard? so sweet. I love it.

It gets even better. The other daughter adds to her sister, "Yeah, and I think Landon would be a really good dad."

When the mom told me that story I was all smiles and hearts! :) <3 <3 <3

So. Yes! I will take your baby, and yes, Landon will be a good daddy. :)

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