The Date: March 17th, 2013. St. Patrick's Day!
How far
along? 9 weeks
Total weight
gain/loss: Lost 5 Pounds
clothes: None yet, but my jeans don't feel so comfortable.
Changes I’ve
noticed: EVERYTHING seems to have changed. Tired after doing absolutely nothing. Breasts are so sore! Nose is stuffy. Metallic taste in my mouth. Food is not enjoyable. Light cramping. Queasy 24/7. Head aches. Gag easily...which leads to loosing my lunch.
Sleep: I'm usually such a great sleeper! No anymore. Although I'm so tired and I don't sleep well at night. It's a weird uneasy feeling that keeps me awake at night. Also the fact that I have to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of every night. I have been able to take naps in the afternoon. This week was my Spring Break and I got plenty of rest during the day.
Best moment
this week: Feeling good enough on Thursday to go to Lunch with a Friend.
anything: I miss food tasting good.
anything: I'm not really craving anything but the only things that taste good to me are fruit, water, veggies, and bread.
Movement: I haven't felt anything yet. The only movement I feel is in my stomach and that is not the kind I'm excited about.
making you queasy or sick: I made chicken for Landon this week and just about lost it from the smell! It seemed so gross to me. Dairy also makes me sick. I tried to drink ginger ale, carbonated water, and sprite this week thinking that would help my queasy stomach...but it actually made it worse and made the metallic taste in my mouth worse. I'm sticking to water (and lemon water).
Have you
started to show yet: I wouldn't say I'm showing yet...I just kinda look bloated. My tight clothes still fit but they feel uncomfortable.
prediction: Today I'm predicting a girl! I woke up this morning with more acne than usual, and I'm feeling really sick so far...aren't those usually signs of girls?
Labor Signs: No!!! And this is a good thing.
Button: I still have an innie!
rings: Still loose and still wearing 'em!
Mood: Even though I feel terrible I'm happy and excited! I'm thankful for the morning sickness because it means Baby is growing and doing well. :)
Dreams: Oh wow! do I have the craziest dreams now! I rarely had dreams before but now I have the weirdest ones every night. Last night I had a dream that I was throwing my sister a wedding shower and my teeth were all falling out. Not cool.
preparations: So far Landon and I have made preparations for me to stay home next year. I've let my boss know that I'm not teaching full time next year. I'm hoping to work part-time (6 hours a week), teaching ballet and maybe another after school activity to supply grocery/diaper/gas money for the family. :)
forward to… My next ultra sound in 2 weeks! We will get to hear the heart beat and see our little baby again! So exciting!
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