Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 13

The Date: April 14th, 2013

How far along? 13 1/2 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Still below starting weight. Haven't gained any weight this week.

Baby Size: Almost three inches! I read the baby is the size of a peach or tangerine.

Things I learned about baby: Baby is forming vocal chords and teeth, he/she has fingerprints now, and his/her intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to more permanent place in the tummy! so so cute and tiny!
week 13
13 week baby
Maternity clothes: Still haven't bought anything yet, but I really like some cute maxi dresses they have at target that seem like they would be good. I can't find them at the store so I might order them online.

Mossimo Supply Co. Juniors High Low Racerback Maxi Dress - Assorted Colors
Not Maternity Dress, but it seems like it would work, right?
Changes I've noticed: I can eat even more this week! Today after church Landon bought me a milkshake and I drank most of it without feeling sick! I'm starting to feel a lot better!

Sleep: Oh, how I miss good sleep! It's frustrating that I toss and turn so much and can never seem to get comfortable. I can still lay in any position I want but nothing leaves me comfortable for long. I assumed that would come when I was LARGE but it is already here! I have also found myself needing little naps after work. When I get home I can hardly keep my eyes open. Crazy.

Best Moment this week: Fun weekend with Landon having lunch at the park, Pro Tennis Tournament in Pelham, walking together in the nice weather, Church, and yummy meals out and at home. :)

Miss anything: I'm still missing good sleep. I'm also missing normal shopping. I don't know what section to buy clothes in yet. haha I don't really fit into maternity but I know the normal clothes won't fit me for long so I don't buy those either. I usually end up buying nail polish and pretty spring scarves. haha

Crave anything: I haven't craved any food this week. Just craved naps and sleep. :)

Movement:  I haven't felt any movement this week but I did read something interesting about it. I read that the baby was moving a lot but if it's your first baby you probably don't feel it. Hmmm, does that mean a more experience mom can feel here baby at 13 weeks? Wow! that seems so early and it still so small.

Anything making you queasy or sick: If I stick to frequent small meals I do pretty well. I'm not as sick and queasy these days! Thank you, Lord! :)

Showing: I'm showing a little but I don't seem any bigger than last week. I'll try to make sure I get a 13 week picture this week. ( I failed to get a picture last week. oops! )

Gender prediction: This week when I sit back and image my little baby it's pretty equal in changing from boy to girl. I would be so excited with either! I want to eventually have both in my family. :)

Labor Signs: No...but I did watch a live birth online this week. BIG BIG mistake! I should have waited until a little closer to delivery to see that. Most of it I was okay with but there was one little part that freaked me out...I'll spare you the gory details. :) I am 6 months away from that though...

Belly Button: Still looks normal!

Wedding Rings: Still get to stare at the pretty sparkles on my hand every day! :)

Moods: I don't think I'm as irritable this week. I could be wrong though. Most of the time I'm just really happy and really tired. :)

Dreams: My pregnancy dreams never cease to amazing me! This week I dreamed all night long about cleaning my house. It felt like hours! When I woke up the house was still messy and dirty. Darn it! It felt so real!

Baby Preparations: Not anything physical. I look at stuff online but that is about it. I mainly spend time in prayer for baby.  I look at my information about what is going on with baby's body this week and pray for those things as they develop.

I am looking forward to... feeling the movement in the weeks to come.

So, can anyone think of other questions that would be good for me to journal? Things that I might want to remember in the future or the next time I'm pregnant?  If you have a good idea leave it in the comment section! :)

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