Here we go!
One Month
Weight: 8.13 pounds (problems with breastfeeding, he didn't gain any weight after leaving the hospital)
Height: 22 inches
Clothing size: Graham can wear Newborn and 0-3 month clothes. His onesie in the picture above is 0-3 months. :)
Milestones reached: Graham graduated from the NICU and got to come home! He rode in the car for the first time and got to see his new cute room.
Graham smiled for the first time! The first time we gave him formula he stopped crying and actually smiled! It was so sweet!
Graham has rolled over twice! However, he isn't supposed to be able to do that yet. He was so upset and crying so hard he pushed himself over. Probably not a good milestone to hit. :(
Special Outings: Graham has only been out a few times since he spends most of his time crying. He has been to the doctor 3 times (newborn, 1 month, and constant crying visits), Target once, lactation specialist once, and once we started formula we took him to Whataburger for lunch.
Routine: Our routine was pretty much not a routine. It's hard to be on a routine when your baby cries nonstop. I breastfed ever 1 1/2-2 1/2 hours. He only slept when he was so tired from crying screaming. He did seem to sleep at night pretty well, usually going 3 hours at a time between feedings.
Favorites: Graham's favorite thing is to be bounced and held. He loves to be held all day long. :)
Highlights: Holding Graham in my arms for the first time!!! One of the biggest highlights was when he passed all of his tests in the NICU and was able to come home. Bringing him home was one of the happiest moments of the first month. We were so excited. Another highlight was when we tried formula and he stopped crying! He loved the formula and began to thrive! He became a happy happy baby!
Thoughts: This first month was one of the hardest months of my life. I was completely humbled and brought to my knees. I had no idea what to do when my baby cried non stop. I felt like a terrible mother. I'm so glad that I live in a time where formula is an option. I'm so thankful that we figured out the problem before things got any worse. I'm so thankful that by Graham's One month birthday we had a new plan and a thriving baby boy.
Big Changes: My mom and sister left, Landon went back to work, and Graham and I were now home alone. I began supplementing with Formula.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the first month.
Two Months
Height: 22 inches
Clothing size: 0-3 months. New born clothes are too short for him now.
Milestones Reached: Graham's umbilical cord stump finally fell off so he had his first bath this month! He LOVED it! He hated the sponge bathes but loves to be submerged in the warm water. He gets so calm. It's cute. He also giggled for the first time! I was changing his clothes and I think it tickled him and he giggled. Such a happy moment!
Special Outings: Graham drove all the way to Florida for Christmas! He did so well in the car! He slept so much that we had to keep stopping to wake him up and give him some exercise. In Florida he went to Kim's Wedding, First Many but ONE performance, Church for the first time, Mack Christmas Eve Party, and out to many restaurants and shopping centers. He was a trouper!
Routine: Graham is on a great routine now! He eats and sleep on a routine and sleeps 5-8 hours at night! He takes 8 bottles a day and is taking in 26 ounces.
Favorites: He loves warm baths, mommy singing to him, smiling, standing, and cooing.
Highlights: Graham celebrated his first Christmas! He took his first long trip! He went to his first Wedding! He giggled for the first time! He slept through the night for the first time! He was baby Jesus in the MbO Christmas ballet! We had a wonderful wonderful second month with our little Graham.
Big Changes: Everything changed this month! He is a completely different baby! He is happy and growing.
Thoughts: This month was such a blessing! I thanked God every day for the huge change he did in our lives. Graham was always a wonderful gift but now that the big medical issues are behind us (we hope) we can just be at home and enjoy our sweet baby. Thank you, Lord, for the work you have done.
Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month
Height: 23 1/2 inches
Clothing size: 0-3 months at the beginning of the month, and right before his 3 month birthday he started wearing 3-6 month clothes.
Milestones Reached: Graham sleeps through the night and drinks 32 ounces of formula a day! He also LOVES to jump in his Johnny Jump up! Great head control on his tummy.
Special Outings: Graham went to the Church nursery for the first time. He does really well in Nursery.
Routine: Graham is taking 7 bottles a day and eating every 3 hours. He takes 32 ounces a day. He is very routined and sleeps through the night from 11:00-7:00. He loves to be held to fall asleep but we are working on falling asleep on our own and not being held to nap. A normal day has eating, sleeping, playing with toys, jumping in his jumper, swinging in his swing, tummy time, singing, story time, and lots of smiles and giggles.
Favorites: Giggling, jumping in his jumper, playing in his baby gym, music, "flying" around the house, talking, smiling for pictures, mommy, and daddy.
Highlights: Graham celebrated his first New Years Eve and Day! He also visited his paternal grandparents for the first time in Fairhope, AL.
Big Changes: Sleeping through the night! He is also growing like a weed! He grew out of all of his 0-3 month clothes and is wearing some 3-6 month clothes. He also doesn't have to be healed all the time. If I am in the same room as him he can be okay with that for a short time. This means that I can put him in the jumper and actually put on my makeup when he is awake! Life changing!
Thoughts: This month was another incredibly fun month! It is so great to be home with Graham and get to spend time with him everyday! He is so sweet and playful! This month has really made me LOVE LOVE LOVE being a mom! :)
Here are some of my favorite pictures from Graham's third month.
4 Months
Height: 25.5 inches
Clothing Size: 3-6 months
Milestones Reached: Graham can look at an object in front of him and grab it on his own. He is really good at reaching out for what he wants. He notices people on the computer when we FaceTime family and he stares and listens to conversation. He rolls over occasionally but mostly he is satisfied to lay however I place him. haha He can sit with assistance.
Special Outings: We took Graham to the Park for the first time! He enjoyed it! He will like it more and more the older he gets. We took Graham to many restaurants for the first time. He does really well when we go out.
Routine: Graham is taking 6 bottles a day at 32 ounces. He eats ever 3-3 1/2 hours and takes regular naps. He is not sleeping through the night anymore. I think he was growing so much that he would wake up hungry. He usually eats, sleeps, reads books, jumps in his jumper, plays with his toys, sings songs, swings, and bounces.
Favorites: He loves to jump and he is getting really good at it now! He also loves when I read stories to him. We are working on the Jesus Story Book Bible. He loves when Landon throws him in the air and when I tickle his legs. He likes to be swung around and "scooped".
Highlights: Watching him grow and turn into a fun little baby. He gets so excited just from eye contact and it is so sweet.
Big Changes: No huge changes this month. But he does enjoy books now. He doesn't coo as much any more. He started grunting and trying out some new sounds. It's super cute!
Thoughts: I love my little guy more and more each day. It is fun to watch him explore the world and focus so intently on people, faces, objects, etc. He is adorable (not that I'm biased) and we love him!
Here are some of my favorite photos from Graham's 4th month:

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