8 Months Old
Weight: About 20 Pounds
Height: About 29 inches
Clothing Size: 9 month clothes. (I've started putting a few 12 month outfits on him)
Milestones Reached: Graham is crawling! He started drawing at 7 months one week! He is loving live now that he can crawl and get around wherever he wants to. He also can go from laying to sitting on his own. He can pull up on all the furniture and can get down when he wants to. He also got his first two teeth! 7 months has been a busy month for my little guy.
Teeth: Graham got his first two teeth on the bottom! They are super sharp, cute, and he is no longer drooling like crazy!
Special Outings: We went to Jackson to visit my Mom, Kristen, Whitney, Brannan, and Sam and Juliet. We went for Brannan's graduation and enjoyed our time there. :)
We also spent a night at Ross Bridge Resort. Graham played in the pool, crawled around on the soft bed, and had a blast! Landon and I really enjoyed our time there and we ate at some nice restaurants. It was a great mini-vaca!
Routine: Graham takes 4 bottles and 2 naps now. His schedule is:
8:00 wake and bottle
10:00-12:00 Nap
12:00 Solids and bottle
3:00 Nap
4:00 Bottle
6:30 Solids
8:00 Bath and bed routine
8:30 Bottle
9:00 Bed
- Books: Dear Zoo, My First Animals
- Music: All things Donut Man (Especially: Shout Hosanna!)
- Toys: Baby Drum
- Activities: Crawling, pulling up on everything, trying to open all the cabinets, bath time, reading books, walker, finding every little crumb/leaf/etc on the floor and putting it in his mouth.
Highlights: All the huge changes of the month! Graham goes mobile and my life has changed!
Big Changes: My life has completely changed! My main job is keeping him alive right now! He gets into everything and he is constantly getting into trouble. He must be watched constantly! Crawling, standing, teeth, and sleep. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention sleep...Graham hit all these milestones at the same time and he started his 8 month sleep regression. He stopped sleeping through the night and would sit up in bed and cry. He couldn't get himself back to sleep for 1-2 hours a night. He would cry and cry. He just wanted to be held. I started off holding him and then I ended up letting him "cry it out." Nothing really worked, he just had to outgrow this phase. It lasted about 4 weeks! sigh. Tough times!
Thoughts: Love my little boy so much! He is so much fun and he loves life! He makes friends wherever he goes and we are enjoying him more and more every day. :)
,/ from this month
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