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7 Months Old! |
Weight: 20 pounds even on 5-23-14
Height: About 28-28.5 inches.
Clothing Size: He is wearing 9 month clothing. His footie pajamas are starting to get tight in the length. I looked up Carters sizing chart and they go on to 12 month clothes at 28.5 inches. If he doesn't grow for a while he may stay in 9 months for a few more weeks...but...I have a feeling we will be pulling out the 12 month clothes pretty soon. Gotta love a big strong boy!
Milestones Reached: Graham sits up really well now. He is also trying to crawl! He pushes up on all fours and rocks back and forth. He even lifts up one leg like he is doing a yoga pose. It's pretty cute. Crawling should be coming pretty soon! He also eats two solid meals a day!
Teeth: No Teeth! I can see little white bumps under the gums though! Any day now! (I've been saying that for about 2 months. haha)
Special Outings: I celebrated my first Mother's Day with Graham! We actually went down to see the McKee Grandparents Mothers' Day weekend. So he traveled all around Fairhope, AL.
Graham has also started going to Pea Pods at the Library once a week. It's a free Mommy-and-Me type program with music, story, and play time. He is the youngest one but it is super fun! He loves watching the other kids more than anything. :)
Routine: Graham takes 5 bottles a day (28-32 ounces). Breakfast, lunch, afternoon "snack", dinner, and before bed. He also eats solids with breakfast, and dinner. He takes 2 full naps, morning and afternoon, and then a catnap in the evening before dinner.
- Books: This month we didn't do well reading books...we more chewed on them. But he loved hearing me read "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you hear?" and "Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What do you see?" He also really liked, "The Hungry Caterpillar," and "Moo, Baa, La La La." Pretty much an Eric Carl or Sandra Boynton book. :) He likes the pictures and rhymes.
- Music: Jesus Loves Me is still a favorite. Especially at bed/nap times. He also loves, "Shout, Hosanna!" "Sunday School Sing-a-long," "Itsy, Bitsy, Spider," "What a Mighty God we Serve," and "Bible."
- Toys: He has a growing interest in toys. Mainly he loves his walker and jumper. He is playing in his gym more and likes his light up drum, soft lamb webkins, and crochet ball.
- Activities: He loves to spend time in his walker and jumper, go on walks, playing in his gym, sing with mommy, read books, play "patty cake" and "This Little Piggy," ride on daddy's shoulders, get thrown in the air, and play in the water in the shower or bath.
Highlights: Highlights this month have been watching Graham change so much! One month ago he was just starting to sit up and now he sits up well and can almost crawl! He responds to his name and loves when I recite familiar songs, rhymes, and catechisms. He loves loves loves to laugh! He things anything and everything is funny if he is in the right mood. It's adorable.
Big Changes: Eating more foods, sitting up, almost crawling, responds to name.
Thoughts: My little baby boy is becoming a big boy! It's happening so fast! Every day he is learning new things and doing more. I love the way he loves to laugh and have fun. He looks at me and starts laughing when he just feels in the mood. He is getting such cute little personality and I can't wait to watch him grow.
Prayers: My prayer for Graham is that he will learn to LOVE God's TRUTH. Love what is good, and hate was is evil. That I will be diligent to teach him the truth of God's Word each day and that I will love it and model it for him.
Favorite Pictures of Graham's Seventh month:
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