How far along? First Trimester: 12 1/2 weeks
12 Week Baby |
Total weight gain/loss: Still under my starting weight but I've gained a pound since last week. Food is finally tasting good again.
Maternity clothes: I don't have any maternity clothes yet but I did buy a belly band! I wore it for the first time yesterday. I didn't really need it but I wanted to try it on. Pretty much a cami.
Changes I've noticed: My belly is starting to pop out! Food tastes good again! Mostly.
Sleep: Sooooo tired. Sleep is not working the way it used to. I'm still sleeping on my back and stomach comfortably though. I'll be sad when that goes away.
Best Moment this week: Realizing I'm sort of in the second trimester! ( I can't tell if it's beginning the 13th week, or 13 complete weeks of pregnancy is second trimester. So...I'm saying i'm in the second trimester because I feel a sense of accomplishment! :)
Miss anything: Good sleep
Crave anything: Cold water with Lemon, Popsicles, and bread.
Movement: Not feeling anything yet.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Dairy
Have you started to show yet: Yes! A tiny baby bump!
Gender prediction: Girl! No wait! Maybe it's a boy!....I'll find out in 5 and a half weeks! :)
Labor Signs: NO!
Belly Button: Still in in in!
Wedding Rings: Still wearing them, still loose.
Moods: Happy Happy Happy, but I cry easily.
Dreams: I dream about anything I talk about before I go to bed! All night long!
Baby Preparations: Looking at tons of cribs online and thinking about cute baby room colors.
I am looking forward to...Officially being or knowing I'm in the second trimester. :)
I believe the beginning of the 13 week is the 2nd trimester. I'm so glad you are feeling better. Started to feel flutters around 21 weeks with Jordyn. But you never know. Hope you are enjoying the ride. Miss you!